Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Special Election Day

Let us talk about the ridiculousness of the ballot measures up for vote today. All of them including the pay hike one, are all jokes.

First, this special election is the result of our elected officials not doing their damn jobs. What this election says is, if they can't figure it out they want us to do it for them.

Second, the fact that these measure are touted as temporary and will be the end all fix is a joke. If anyone believes for one second that these measures, if passed, will be temporary, should have their head examined. They will not end our problem either. These measures are like trying to fix leaks in a severely leaky damn with band aids. The only way this will be fixed is to rebuild the damn. At the end of the day, the same hard choices are going to have to be made, and our elected officials will need to make them.

I have to say that part of the blame should be on the voting public as well, considering they voted for all the propositions that put hard numbers on pieces of our budget, giving little wiggle room when cuts are needed.

A lot of people, won't like what will happen when the cuts start coming down, but anyone who can't see why they are needed, needs to go back to school.


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